Thanks Again!! To All the Puppy Owners 4 Their Updates!
Howard Family From Kentucky!

I was just scrolling through my facebook and when I looked at my past memories there's always one of one of my fur kids on there and one happened to pop up of my little man I purchased from you when he was a baby:) I realized I have never updated you on how he is doing. His name is Ross and He just turned 4. He has the biggest personality and so so smart. He has been what gets me through my bad days since I was diagnosed with Lupus. He never leaves my side and loves to ride the fourwheeler and watch national geographic! Thank you so much for being an amazing breeder, you gave me one of the biggest blessings I have ever received. He was my second schnauzer, and now I am at a total of 5:) right before we got Lexie our first one spayed there was an accident and that's how we got blessed with our five.Lexie had an emergency c section and had trouble so I bottle fed them and slept in the dog bed with the pups till they were weaned. One of the most rewarding yet scary experiences of my life. Now everyone is spayed/nuetered so no more accidents lol. I have enclosed some pics, one of me and Ross and Lexie and their 3 little girls! Thank you for giving me my little fur family!
Have a great day!!!
Jenny and Travis Howard
Brownsville, Ky
Fowler Family From Louisiana!

June 2013 ~ Thank you so much, Rebecca! The last time I bought a puppy from a breeder it didn't go so well. You have been incredible!!! I promise both to recommend you as well as come to you in the future :) Have a wonderfully blessed day, and give little Lucy lots of hugs and kisses from us! Thanks again, and we'll be keeping in touch to let you see how she progresses :)
November 2013 ~ Good Morning, Rebecca! Just wanted to share some current pictures of Lucy. She is ADORABLE!!!! I cannot thank you enough for your willingness to work with us and for selling us such a gorgeous, well-mannered pup. She is 6 months old now, weighs 6lbs., and hasn't grown much height wise. She is still short and compact, with a tremendous coat! I'd venture to say that she is already potty trained. She sleeps in the bed with us every night, and jumps off of the bed and immediately goes out of the doggy door as soon as she wakes up. We simply can't thank you enough for her! Have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving! I have included a couple of shots of her alone; the rest are of her and the rest of "the gang."
Jana Fowler (Louisiana)
Update on Chloe From the Boring F​amily in Tennessee!

Here is a little update on our little Chloe. She is just the most precious little girl ever, we just love her to death!! We just can't thank you enough for such a PERFECT schnauzer! She just turned 3 back in August. She is so spoiled as you can tell from the picture of her laying on the top of the couch. ;) My husband & I both agree this is her world, we are just living in it!
Cody & Morgan Boring
Delamater Family From Virginia!

Trammell’s Quality Schnauzers we would like to thank you for our babies. Zeak and Abby are wonderful dogs!!!! They have been a blessing to our family and we wouldn’t know what to do without them. Zeaks now 2 years old and Abby is 1 and they are extremely smart and lovable pets. We will highly recommend you to all our family and friends.
Thank you again.

The Delamater Family
Owners of Zeak & Abby
Jordan Family from Michigan!

Good afternoon Rebecca,
I just wanted to let you know how much of a joy our new 7 week old miniature puppy has been since we got him from you last Thursday. Toby is precious! He is our first family dog and David (13) and Lucas (10) adore him and so do my husband and I. When Mark brought him home the other night after driving with him for about 5 hours (this is after he had already traveled a long time with you to meet up), he was so sweet and good. A real snuggler! As soon as we brought him into the house he started skipping back and forth on the floor and flipping his rear from side to side as if to say, "Hey guys, I'm here! Look at me!" He ran to each one of us with playfulness and almost seemed to do "tricks" for us. He really wanted us to see what he is all about! We are in love!
Potty training hasn't been difficult, despite the freezing weather, since he had already been in training with you. We are starting to read his signs for a bathroom break which has been great! He does really well in the crate but I know he wants to sleep with us! LOL! Maybe someday! We took him to the vet and got a perfect report. I was so happy. Of course I know you are an awesome breeder and expected it! Everyone loves his personality, cute face and puppy schnauzer cut. He is very well mannered with all people and children.
Thank you for being so quick to respond to all of my questions over the prior weeks to getting him and for your honesty! A relief when you hear so many horror stories that can happen. Our puppy came from a home full of love and we thank you! If we decide to get another Schnauzer for our family, we will only call you! It is reassuring to know you strive for the best in all your dogs and pups. Love the breed! Toby is worth every penny to us and more. Can't put a price tag on health and happiness!
Your website is great and was very helpful in answering all my questions. Loved seeing the pups and their parents in the photos since I live so far away. This made choosing Toby easier. It was nice to see updates each week as he continued to grow and change so quickly. And paying by Paypal was very convenient. You are a professional! Good job!
Also, I just want to add that our whole family is grateful to you for the rescued 6 month old Schnauzer my sister and her family adopted from you, too. He is gorgeous, sweet and within only a few days he has nearly recovered from any past trauma he may have experienced. He fits right in with their family and their older male dog, too! Thank you for saving him and bringing him back to excellent health! You are a hero in our book!
I have truly enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to a friendship for many years to come. God bless you and your family...

Lisa, Mark, David & Lucas Owners of Toby
(Bentley & Tobe baby)
A Very Special Dog For A Very Special Girl!

Augustus ( Augi ) will soon turn 4 ( November 20 ). He has grown into a wonderful young man, and is the true definition of lap dog. If he sees a lap, he wants in it! From the moment he joined our home, he knew my daughter was special. Even as a baby, he never attempted to chew on her lines, or anyway do anything that would put her health at risk. I find it amazing that as a puppy, he never attempted to chew on her IV lines, and if one was placed on or near him, he lays very still until it is moved away from him ( as you can tell from the one picture I sent - she has a lot of lines that attach to her ). When she has a cover over her lines, he loves cuddling up in bed with her. She also, loves to have him cuddled next to her.

He is a very intelligent animal, knowing when it is bedtime and running to bed with his favorite duck ( a stuffed animal that is almost as big as he is ). He refuses to jump on the bed, instead crying until he is placed in bed. Augi, rarely jumps on any furniture, instead waiting to be placed on the furniture. The only exception is the one chair where we keep a sheepskin throw - Augi has decided this is his chair and he will jump on it to nap. If someone places an object in this chair he gets upset and stares at the chair until you remove the item. He also prefers that no one else sits in the chair.
He is a house dog, only going out on the farm when he is on a leash. Twice he has gotten out of the house without the leash and both times ended badly. The first time, he ran to the pond and tried to get to the ducks ( he was captured when he got into the mud and could not get out ), the second time he chased and caught a rooster. The rooster was so surprised that Augi was able to kill the rooster. Everyone was amazed that this little 10 pound dog was able to bring the full size rooster down!

Augustus is very special to me, although he is very spoiled and does not like strangers. He is very welcoming to the nurses that come into our home, and likes to hang out in their laps. We have found he is more accepting of women then men. He loves children, unless they run - in which case a nip at the heels quickly slows them down. He prefers the slower pace of our home, and when we do have company the hustle and bustle makes him nervous.
We love Augustus, and I truly did receive a wonderful lap dog. Although he is too large to sleep in my daughter's lap, he does lay with her in her bed and calms her. I did not realize that a lap dog could be so calming. When stressed a few minutes with Augi makes the world a better place.
My husband talks of getting another schnauzer, but I have to say that Augustus could never handle sharing. He feels it would be good for Augustus, but my lap is only so big.

Thanks for the wonderful companion,
Jayme Bonar-Bridges
Bennett Family From Alabama!

Hello again, perhaps you remember me from picking up a puppy at the local McDonalds. I attached some pictures of Cooper and our other puppy Stache. Cooper is 14 weeks and 10.2 pounds now.

Have a great day, Tom Bennett​

Have a great day, Tom Bennett
Fesmire Family From Tennessee

Hello, this is Jordan Fesmire. My mother and I got 2 liver and tan schnauzer puppies from you about 2 years ago-we met you in parking lot by wal-mart. They were from different litters a day apart in may, but were the last left from both litters. She was a teacup, and he was a toy. I just wanted to update you on how great they are!!! Sace' lives with a 130 lb lab and thinks she is his size. She has the best personality and is VERY smart. Her tongue sticks out most of the time. She rules the roost for sure! While Bacio lives with my parents and has always been so timid and shy-but so sweet!!!! They still spend tons of time together!! I passed your name on the other day to a stranger. She goes everywhere with me and I get tons of compliments. I attached some photos for yall. I just got married, and she stole the show running down the aisle!! Hope yall are well! Thanks again for our 4-legged children!!!

Jordan and Sheri Fesmire
Lampley Family From Tennessee!

Joshi Family From Indiana!
Rebecca - My dad ran into you over the weekend when you bought the saddle from him and he was so excited to call and tell me that he had met you again! He wanted me to be sure and send you some pictures off his "grandson" We got Mojo from you almost 2 years ago, he'll be 2 in November. He is a baby of River and Callie. He has made such a huge impact on our family as he is the best friend anyone could ask for and I'm pretty sure he is part human! He has the best personality and everyone that meets him falls in love with him instantly. He is amazing with all people, kids, and loves other dogs!! He definitely has the best personality of any dog I've ever met! We couldn't be happier with our decision to purchase and dog from you and hope to add a sibling for him sometime in the future and we know exactly where we will go for one! He is definitely one very, very spoiled little boy!
The first pic is the one from you when he was just a little baby!

The second, is shortly after he came home with us :)

3rd one is his first Easter,
4th one is last Christmas,

5th one is from this Spring,
and the final one was taken on the 4th of July 2011
He is, like I said, almost 2 and last month at the vet he was a whopping 15 lbs of solid muscle! Thanks again for such a special addition to our family!!
Thanks again, a proud schnauzer owner Kacy Joshi
Owner of Mojo.
Brown Family From Kentucky!
Rebecca - Here is Chance! He's such a good and loving dog and we are thrilled to have him in our family! We took him to the vet the 2nd day we had him and the vet, he weighed in at a whopping 2.3 pounds! But the vet and his assistant said he was healthy in all respects and was very pleased with him. They both asked where we got him from and when we told him, they said that the breeder we got him from was a really good one. They don't even know you but they could tell by his health, his cleanliness, his temperament and his cute schnauzer cut that he was well cared for. Thanks for all the attention you gave him! Here are some pictures...it's so hard to keep him still long enough to take a good picture. He's soooo cute, so loving and affectionate and everyone that sees him just melts. :)

The first picture is of him climbing into Eli's lap after some play time with us. He's exhausted now and just begging to be held in his lap so he can go to sleep.

The second picture is just a shot we got so you could see his cute little face.

He loves blankets. The more the better. The third picture is after another round of play. He was so exhausted he climbed onto the stack of blankets we keep by the couch.

You can see how much he's grown in just a week in the fourth picture! He loves the backyard - grass, leaves, sticks and all. :)

And picture five shows how we clearly feel about him. Here he is eating an edible doggie card a friend bought him. :)
Thanks again for such a great puppy!
Cosette & Eli Brown :-)
Owners of Chance!